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PDC Green Building Incentives Brochure

The City of Portland, Metro Region, State of Oregon and Federal Government offer a variety of grants, tax incentives and cash payments to developers of green projects. This brochure provides brief summaries of a majority of these incentives with brief descriptions, the eligibility requirements, grant and incentive amounts and contact information. For more information about green building incentives, contact Cindy Bethell, Sustainability Program Manager, bethellc@pdc.us, 503.823.3211.

Tax Credits For Energy Efficiency

If you purchase an energy-efficient product or renewable energy system for your home, you may be eligible for a federal tax credit.  The products in this section are eligible for tax credits at 30% of the cost, up to a total credit of $1,500; they must be "placed in service" from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2010. 

Note that the $1,500 maximum limit is for all of the efficiency measures combined over the two-year 2009-2010 period; you can purchase up to $5,000 worth of products over the two years and get 30% or $1,500 as a tax credit. If you get the full $1,500 tax credit in 2009, you are not eligible for a tax credit on these products in 2010.

The credits for products subject to the $1,500 limit are only available for primary existing residences and only through 2010. The maximum does not apply to geothermal heat pumps, solar energy systems, wind energy systems, and fuel cells, which have no upper limit and are listed below under "Products Eligible for Tax Credits Through 2016." You can receive both the tax credit capped at $1,500 and the tax credit for products with no upper limit. See the ENERGY STAR FAQ for more information on tax credit amounts.

The credits are nonrefundable, that is, the credits are only available to the extent you have a tax liability. For 2010, the credits for home energy improvement products eligible through 2010 may be limited if you are subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).

Oregon Appliance Rebate

The State of Oregon is implementing an instant rebate program to enable low-income residents to replace non-functioning or low-efficiency appliances with new ENERGY STAR® qualified models. Rebates for furnaces and air-source heat pumps began on January 1, 2010. Rebates for refrigerators, clothes washers, dishwasher, electric heat pump water heaters, gas storage water heaters, and gas tankless water heaters are scheduled to begin on July 1, 2010. The program will end when funds are depleted.

The program is only for low-income residents (income at or below 60% of state median income) who receive vouchers to purchase qualified heating systems. The rebates, combined with incentives from program partners, will cover the full installed cost of furnaces, air-source heat pumps, and water heater products. Clothes washer and dishwasher rebates cover a portion of the purchase price.

Energy Star Appliance Rebate

As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the U.S. Department of Energy is providing funding to states and territories to support consumer rebate programs for ENERGY STAR qualified appliances. Under these programs, consumers can receive rebates to purchase energy-efficient appliances when they replace used appliances. Eligibility guidelines, covered products, and rebate amounts differ by state, so consumers should review program requirements carefully.

Energy Star Rebate Finder

To encourage customers to buy energy efficient products, ENERGY STAR partners occasionally sponsor special offers, such as sales tax exemptions or credits, or rebates on qualified products. Partners also occasionally sponsor recycling incentives for the proper disposal of old products. The search below is provided as a service to consumers to find such special offers or rebates where they exist, based on information that partners submit to ENERGY STAR.

Residential Energy Tax Credits In Oregon

You can get a credit on your Oregon income taxes for making your home more energy-efficient and helping preserve Oregon’s environment. 
Visit this site for a list of the energy efficient products/technologies that are eligible for a tax credit. Click on the heading to go to the page that explains the credit, lists qualifying equipment, has application forms and instructions.

American Recovery & Reivestment Act

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 directs states to focus State Energy Program (SEP) funding on energy efficiency and renewable energy. The Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) reviewed nearly 350 applications.

Apply For A Federal Tax Credit

If you purchase an energy-efficient product or renewable energy system for your home, you may be eligible for a federal tax credit. Below you will find an overview of the federal tax credits for energy efficiency.

Please note, not all ENERGY STAR qualified products qualify for a tax credit. ENERGY STAR distinguishes energy efficient products which, although they may cost more to purchase than standard models, will pay you back in lower energy bills within a reasonable amount of time, without a tax credit.  Visit this site to apply.

Federal Financial Incentives

Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing effectively allows property owners to borrow money to pay for energy improvements. The amount borrowed is typically repaid via a special assessment on the property over a period of years. Oregon has authorized certain local governments to establish such programs, as described below. (Not all local governments in Oregon offer PACE financing; contact your local government to find out if it has established a PACE financing program.)

January 2025